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Proposals for the 57th Annual PCA Conference 

Proposals for the 57th Annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association Conference 

The Pennsylvania Counseling Association’s 57th Annual Conference will be held at the Wind Creek Bethlehem - November 7-9th, 2025.  This year’s theme is “From Insight to Action: Leading the Future of Counseling.” Proposals should be geared toward counselors, supervisors, graduate students, or educators.  The deadline to submit proposals is Wednesday April 30th, 2025, at 11:59PM.

All proposals should address this year’s theme as one of four (4) presentation types: 

  • 90-minute Education Session
  • 1 hour Education Session 
  • 1 hour Roundtable Session 
  • 1 hour Poster Presentation 

Please note that if you are submitting a proposal for an education session or roundtable, presenters should be prepared to present on Friday OR Saturday. Presenters submitting a proposal for a poster presentation should be prepared to present on Friday evening. 

All proposals will be accepted via SCHED. Additional details about the proposal requirements and process are available in the proposal form. 

Click Here to Submit a Proposal

If you have any questions about proposals, please contact Joe Charette or Stephanie Onkst, Conference Programs Co-Chairs at We look forward to your submissions!

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