October 25-27, 2024 * Harrisburg, PA

PCA 2024 Logo



Information will be posted shortly.







Nominations for Awards Due by Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 5:00pm

Nominations to honor the hard work, commitment, and dedication of Pennsylvania counselors, students, and programs are now being accepted.  Please consider nominating a colleague, program, or graduate student for an award.  The award categories are listed below. Winners will be announced at the annual PCA conference luncheon.  

PCA Outstanding Practitioner Award -- Awarded to an outstanding professional counselor for service to the profession; nominees must be current PCA members.

PCA Lifetime Achievement Award -- Awarded to a PCA member who is a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania resident and who has demonstrated outstanding dedication, service, and/or achievement in professional counseling. A PCA member can only receive this award once.

PCA Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award -- Awarded to an outstanding professional counseling program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  At least one member of the counselor education program must be a PCA member.

PCA Outstanding Graduate Student Award -- Awarded to an individual who is currently a graduate student in professional counseling within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and who shows excellent potential and professionalism; preference will be given to a PCA student member who has had some involvement with the association.

PCA Outstanding Research/Publication Award -- Awarded to a PCA member who has contributed to the professional counseling profession through outstanding effort in the area of research and/or publication.

PCA Outstanding Supervisor Award -- Awarded to a PCA member who has demonstrated outstanding work as a supervisor in a university, community/mental health counseling, or school setting.

PCA Outstanding Professional Teaching Award -- Awarded to a PCA member to honor excellence in teaching in a counseling, counselor education, or counseling supervision program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

David W. Hall Advocacy Award -- Awarded to a PCA member who has promoted the profession of counseling through advocacy to whom the many professional counselors in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are forever indebted.

All nominations must be made in writing or email to the PCA Awards Committee by Friday, August 16, 2024.  

To Submit, please fill out this Google Form and attach a PDF will your adjoined supporting documents:


Information or Questions: 

Contact Abra Kuniak, pcacommittee.awards@gmail.com 

The following information should be included with each nomination:

  1. Title of the award for which the nomination is made 
  2. Name and title of the nominee 
  3. Mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number(s) of the nominee 
  4. 1-page rationale describing why this person or program deserves the award
  5. Any supporting materials, which may include a curriculum vitae, program brochures, and letters of support
  6. Mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number(s) of the nominator 



Friday, October 25, 2024    
11:30 am Registration Desk Opens  
12:00 - 3:00 pm PS-SAIGE Pre-Conference Institute (separate registration required; 3 CEs) PCA Board Meeting
3:15 - 4:45 pm Division Featured Sessions 1.5 CEs
5:00 - 5:45 pm Advocacy, Servant Leadership and the Leadership Academy .75 CEs
6:00 - 7:00 pm Poster Sessions 1 CE
7:00 - 9:00 pm Networking Event no CE
8:30 - 10:00 pm PA-SAIGE Social with Live Entertainment No CE - open to all
Saturday, October 26, 2024  
7:30 am Registration Desk Opens
8:00 - 9:00 am Opening Remarks and Keynote Address (1 CE)
9:10 - 10:10 am 60-minute Educational & Roundtable Sessions (1 CE)
10:20 - 11:50 am 90-minute Educational & Roundtable Sessions (1.5 CE)
12:00 - 1:15 pm Awards Luncheon (no CE) included in registration fee
1:30 - 2:30 pm 60-minute Educational & Roundtable Sessions (1 CE)
2:40 - 3:40 pm 60-minute Educational & Roundtable Sessions (1 CE)
3:50 - 4:50 pm 60-minute Educational & Roundtable Sessions (1 CE)
5:00 - 6:00 pm Chapter/Division Meetings (no CE)
6:15 - 7:15 pm PS-SAIGE Sponsored Happy Hour (no CE)
Sunday, October 27, 2024  
7:30 am Registration Desk Opens
8:00 - 9:00 am Suicide Prevention and Awareness/General Session (1 CE License Requirement)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Ethics by ACA/General Session (3 CE - License Requirement)

The conference program committee is reviewing proposals and notifications should be sent out shortly.  If you have any questions about proposals, please contact Joe Charette or Stephanie Onkst, Conference Programs Co-Chairs at pca.programs@gmail.com



Sponsored by PS-SAIGE

Details on the institute will be posted by August 15, 2024.




Full Conference Early-Bird (by September 30) Full Conference (October 1 - November 5)
PCA Members - $259.00 PCA Members - $300.00
PCA Students - $159.00 PCA Students - $200.00
Non-Members - $360.00 Non-Members - $400.00
Non-Member Students - $210.00 Non-Member Students - $250.00


Click here to register online!


The conference will be held at the Harrisburg Hilton. 

The Hilton Harrisburg is offering a discounted PCA Conference room rate of $159 for conference attendees. 

Schedule your reservations today:

1. One click away utilizing this link PCA Hotel Reservations

2. By phone by calling 717-233-6000 option 0 

Self-parking is available at $15/day, and Valet parking is $26.00/day.

For area information, see Visiting Harrisburg and Nearby Hershey.



PCA offers a variety of exhibit and sponsorship opportunities. For more information, contact the PCA Marketing Team at pcamarketingdirector@gmail.com.




The PCA Conference is a total of 12 CEs included in the registration fee.  An additional 3 hours may be earned by attending the PS-SAIGE Preconference Institute as an additional cost.

The Pennsylvania Counseling Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider ACEP No. 2039. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Pennsylvania Counseling Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.



Registration and attendance at, or participation in, the Pennsylvania Counseling Association (PCA) conferences, meetings, and events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to PCA for use and distribution, now and in the future, of the registrant or attendees’ image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audio of such events and activities to illustrate and promote the PCA experience and products.
